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The Dominicans Tralee

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Church Information

Holy Cross, Dominican Church
Day Place, Tralee, Co.Kerry
Tel: (066)- 7121135
Fax: (066)- 7180026
Web site: http://domstralee.faithweb.com
Email: fatherprior@hotmail.com

DIRECTORY 01 June 2000

Liturgical & Prayer Services


.7.30pm (eve) 8:00am 9:30am. 11:00am
8 :00am 9:.00am 1:05pm
Mass for Healing: as announced


Weekdays after 8am.
& 7:30pm Masses.
4:00pm - 5:00pm.( 5:00pm - 6:00 pmWinter Only)
After 7:30pm Mass
Eve of Ist. Friday (Thursday):
As Saturdays
Eve of Hoy Days:
12noon - 12:55pm
After 7:30pm Mass

A Priest is usually available during
the church office hours for private
confessions or consultation.
(check at the office).


Each weekday evening at 7.15pm.
Sunday 5.00pm

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:

(St. Anne's chapel)
Saturdays 11am. - 12:55pm.


Rosary Confraternity
Tuesdays: 7:30pm Mass
Sodality of the Holy Name:
Fridays: 7:30pm Mass.

Lay Dominicans:

St. Catherine's women's Chapter:
2nd. Monday of the month 8:00pm
St. Dominic's men's Chapter:
2nd Friday of the month. 8:00pm
Divine Office: Saturday 11:30am

Special Days

Novenas: Our Lady of Fatima 13th May
St. Martin de Porres 5th Nov.
St. Dominic's Day 8th August
Dominican Pilgrimages:
to Knock 2nd Sunday in October
to Lourdes: June and Sept
to Mass Rock (Pol an Afreann)
(Thaddeus Moriarty O.P.):
Rosary: 15th August & Mass: 15th October

Click on the Link below
ToDay's Good News
by Dominicans Ireland including Gospel Commentary,Jacobs Well,Wisdom Line, and Between Ourselves
Holy Cross Church Tralee
You are Visitor No 153290

Centre Window over the High Altar.

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